The Best Free Slideshow Maker
In the age of smartphones, we take photos and videos wherever we go. It'd be great to share these with the people you love at an anniversary dinner, wedding, graduation, or any other big event. Beyond just displaying the photos one by one, you can now arrange them along with home video footage to create a vibrant video slideshow. Ezvid Wikimaker lets you pair your snapshots and recordings with free fair use images and videos, narration, and music. We'll go over some of the features of Wikimaker and how you can use them to your advantage. Read up on how to use Wikimaker, then give it a try and make your first wiki. This video was made with Ezvid Wikimaker.
What Is Ezvid Wikimaker?
Ezvid Wikimaker is a free online video editor that starts with a written piece of text, then adds narration through voice synthesis and pairs your words with music and free images and videos. You can edit entirely in your browser, and your finished slideshows will be hosted for free. With Wikimaker Capture, you can record your computer screen or use images and videos found online, as well as upload your own pictures and recordings to create an entertaining video slideshow that can be watched anywhere.
Wikimaker Vs. Other Video Editors
Feature | Ezvid Wikimaker | Other Video Editors |
Edit in browser | ||
Screen captures and recordings | ||
Videos over 8 minutes or 1,000 words | ||
Automatic voice synthesis | ||
Fair use images and video clips | ||
Free music added automatically | ||
Online hosting on Ezvid Wiki | ||
Choose your own video FX | ||
Essay text published with video |
Where Will My Video Be Posted When I Finish It?
After you submit your wiki, it will be published on Ezvid Wiki, where you'll be able to watch the video as well as read the text and view your captured images. All you have to do is share the URL with someone, and they'll be able to see your work. No matter where you plan on presenting your slideshow, all you need is an Internet connection and you can play it on any connected device.
Helpful Links
- Ezvid Wikimaker
- How To Use Ezvid Wikimaker
- Ezvid Wikimaker Capture
- How To Use Wikimaker Capture Desktop
- Articles Made With Wikimaker
- 5 Best Free Slideshow Makers
In Depth
A photo slideshow can liven up any event. Teachers can create them with pictures of students to show everything that's happened in the last year. A camp slideshow can look back on fond memories of a summer. You and your wedding guests can commemorate all the times you've had together. They're even useful at the office, where they can put a human face on the work that you do.
Most people are familiar with slideshows made in PowerPoint, but if you aren't using it on a daily basis, it's best not to pony up the cash for an expensive program. And though everyone has sat through a series of photos popping up on a screen, video content is something that's normally left to professionals, despite all the videos you've recorded on your iPhone. Luckily, there's now a way to create great presentations complete with music and smooth transitions that will wow your audience and make the occasion special.
Ezvid Wikimaker is a free online video editor that lets you create slideshows that contain both photo and video elements. All editing is done in your browser, so you can work on it from anywhere. Your finished videos will be hosted online, meaning they can be shared with anyone. It takes only a short time to learn, while giving you the ability to explore your creativity.
All editing is done in your browser, so you can work on it from anywhere.
Once you sign up for an account, you can create your first wiki. Choose a title and enter it up top. Wikimaker videos begin with written text. Enter your first paragraph into the box and hit "Enter." Wikimaker will generate a voice synthesis, meaning the words you've typed are read aloud as narration for your video, along with free music to act as a soundtrack.
You'll see on the left side of your screen that Wikimaker has already loaded free fair use images and video clips to match certain words in your paragraph. When those words are spoken in your video, the images will appear. Some images have multiple options, which you can see by hovering over them. You can watch your first section immediately, so you can listen back to your writing and make any edits you wish to make.
If any images aren't relevant, you can remove them by clicking the "X" in the lower left corner of the thumbnail. You can also search among a vast library of free clips to use. But you don't have to stop there. With Wikimaker Capture, you can add your own content. Wikimaker Capture is available as a Chrome browser extension or as a free download for Windows and Mac. With both versions, you can capture images from the web. And with the desktop version, you can resize them to crop out unwanted information or draw on them to add emphasis.
Wikimaker Capture is available as a Chrome browser extension or as a free download for Windows and Mac.
Still images aren't your only option. You can also record activity in your browser to explain work students have done. And with the desktop version, you can record your entire computer screen, including activity in other programs. The images and recordings you've made will appear in the "Ready" section and can be linked to words in your paragraph. With recordings, you can choose the exact starting frame so video clips begin right when you want them to.
Wikimaker lets you upload files from your computer, so you can add your own still images and video clips to make your video more entertaining. You can use photos taken yourself, or upload home movies so everyone at your wedding can see themselves and how they've impacted your relationship. You can even scour a friend's Instagram page and surprise them by including their snapshots in your video.
Just repeat this process until you've made a full video. Submit your wiki for publishing, and it will be posted to Ezvid Wiki. You can share the URL with anyone so it can be watched from any computer, and you don't need to pay for web hosting. You can access it on the Internet at your event, so there's no need to bring a laptop or a flash drive with you, and grandparents can watch the video again and again since it's available online.
You can share the URL with anyone so it can be watched from any computer, and you don't need to pay for web hosting.
If you're looking for a way to commemorate a big life event or put your work on display, Ezvid Wikimaker allows you to create vibrant and fun video slideshows complete with narration and music. Guests will be blown away by your ability to create such professional-looking work so quickly. It's completely free to use and simple enough for anyone to learn, so there's no reason not to sign up and give it a try.